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Live DevLog
18 Aug 2017
18:56:25FAILUREAnd let's close down the monster called "browser" ... If the system lags.... shut down the browser... Always works...
18:55:52CONCLUSIONAh, I found the "evil"
18:52:37FAILUREAs I was trying to say.... I deem it possible that due to the system lags (most likely also responsible for the failure below), I deep it possible my builder picked up outdated code
18:52:01FAILUREThe system removed my item while I was typing WITHOUT ANY REASON AT ALL!!!!

Long live modern computers, folks!

18:50:01COCKROACHCode ignored
18:00:12FIXEDIllegal table readout
17:14:37MAPThe base of the outcropping is done... Some cosmetic fine tuning is in order, but at least this is workable.
15:31:47CLEANUPSome shit in the Kthura directory removed
15:26:11OFFTOPICI stumbled upon Zero Install... I need to properly study it, and maybe this game (and some of my earlier work) will be available through it.
15:19:29WINDOWSSynchronizing.... again....
15:01:54WINDOWSLet's try it again
15:01:32WINDOWSI've rewritten a few things
15:01:21FAILUREAlways MINGW
14:51:21WINDOWSModule synchronisation
14:37:46UPGRADESome personal software upgrades
14:37:20SITEAdded tag UPGRADE
14:32:52MAPAnd so I could complete at least a small portion of stuff
14:26:21FIXEDCosmetic issue
14:17:11FIXEDFixed that in a way that will never allow this bug from happening again no matter how many panels I add.
14:16:29CONCLUSIONRight, the modify tab is to blame... I should've known....
14:16:09SITEAdded tag CONCLUSION
14:15:06KTHURAI've colored all Kthura config panels.... This way I can be 100% sure I see the correct one!
14:09:43COCKROACHThat was fixed before... How come this is undone?
14:09:33INVESTIGATIONThere still seems to be a panel show issue...
14:02:19BLITZMAXSo let's fire up BlitzMax again... :-/
14:01:44KTHURAThe Kthura editor is still bugged after the last big operation, so I need to see what can be done to fix that... :-/
13:47:20MAPI've tried to set up a start of the starting map... But... many things seem wrong. The config window is not acting like it should....
13:47:16SITEAdded tag MAP
12:55:27DONEAfter the start config just a black blank screen... It will be that way until I had the possibility to set things up.
12:54:56ARTAlternate set that can help me to allow "top" view...
12:39:13ARTThe Dark Cave Base Tile Set recycled from Dyrt (Black Dragon Cave).
10:33:27STATUSNow it's time to make it possible to start a game... Best is to first make an empty routine that will for now just link to the game (which will, of course eventually be used to contact GJ and Anna). When it comes to the game I need of course the Lua version of the Kthura map system. Best approach there is to design a map first, so I can see immediately the results in game when things are going.... I need to sort this out a bit... :-/
17 Aug 2017
22:45:06NOTEAnd there I'm gonna call it!
22:45:00CONFIGBackup Tool
22:44:39BACKUPRunning Daily Backup
22:44:15STATUSAnd that's where it ends. The game start up routines and (of course) Kthura Map System porting, and then we can FINALLY begin. ;)
22:42:47FIXEDVisibility Error
22:38:04NOTEFor now this button will crash the game as there is no way to enter the game itself yet.
22:37:30DONE"Next" button set
22:35:47FIXEDCheck error
22:35:04FIXEDY pos error
22:34:56FIXEDColor error
22:33:56FIXEDRef error
22:20:44FIXEDIllegal table index
22:19:24FIXEDFixed that!
22:12:31BUGBut a "nil" crash pops up
22:12:20DONEFields are there
22:04:14FIXEDLinkback error
22:01:07DONEFrom Anna to GameJolt is now possible.
21:57:45ANNAActual logging in comes at a later stage... I'm now gonna set up the log in screen for Game Jolt
21:46:28FIXEDA bug in Anna that was lingering there for awhile
21:31:00CLEANUPTo prevent any sort of abuse I've banned the test account
21:28:43ANNAAnd from now on the Game can create Anna accounts...
21:28:29JUDGMENTIt appears to be working now
21:15:20FIXEDSecu code generation error.
21:15:06FIXEDType mismatch


21:12:31JUDGMENTThat looks better
21:10:29COSMETICPivot moved
21:10:23SITEAdded tag COSMETIC
21:09:20FIXEDWrong linkup
21:08:12FIXEDParse Errors
21:04:56ANNAIt should be possible now to create an Anna account from the start game feature now.
20:05:41ANNAAnna account creation routine has been set up.


19:22:43SITEAdded tag OFFTOPIC
17:59:21DONEBackspace no event
17:59:15DONE"Typing" event
17:51:14FIXEDThose issues are fixed
17:49:38BUGAlthough it does not workthe way it should... yet...
17:28:10CONFIRMEDAnd I can confirm that chosing for Anna or skipping Anna works
17:27:40DONEA base of the Game Jolt Login Screen
17:25:38CONFIRMEDthat fix
17:07:32FIXEDI think I fixed it... Or at least I hope so

An infinite loop leading to a stack overflow.... Now how is that possible?

17:04:32FIXEDOrder error
17:04:27DONEA base of the Anna login screen
16:28:04SOLVEDI think I solved the mystery
16:25:47DEBUGBased on this data not ignoring should be possible, so let's sort this out:
X-EVENT font for: afterdraw > function
X-EVENT font for: keypressed > function
X-EVENT font for: keyreleased > function
X-EVENT font for: mousepressed > function
X-EVENT font for: mousereleased > function
X-EVENT font for: update > function
16:23:25COCKROACHThis could prove to be a long go as mouse clicks appear to be ignored...
16:17:33FIXEDA few confusing under-the-hood-errors
16:11:33ENHANCEMENTBetter mouse capturing
15:40:33STUPIDITYI only must not be too fast leaving parse errors behind.
15:40:22SOLVEDI think I found it
15:37:44DEBUGMaybe this debug line provides me some answers how the impossible becomes possible
15:34:17BUGBut NOT I got a very strange error.... :-/
15:34:01FIXEDPivot Crash
15:23:27STATUSYay! We have a start screen showing the logo of Morker :P
15:21:28FIXEDWell it's fixed, and that's what matters....
15:21:15STUPIDITYDefinition/declaration error
15:20:32ENHANCEMENTSet up a draw feature for when none is given
15:16:49FIXEDbad startup go
15:16:39FIXEDGadget Without kind
15:01:11BUGAha! Depite I said "NO" the system is still trying to import itself causing a stack overflow
14:55:36DEBUGSet up a debug startup script
14:55:32SITEAdded tag DEBUG
14:55:12LUAa (buggy) base
14:10:01NOTEStarting the game will result into an error now. That is supposed to happen.
That's what you get for trying to open half-baked code :P
14:09:23CONFIRMEDConfig written
13:51:00LUAI've set up a chain+lunarmorica-merger... This can make my life MUCH easier ;)
13:29:24PHANTASARWell I had to take care of some crucial things in The Fairy Tale REVAMPED :(
08:10:38NOTEWell some serious bugs were reported on The Fairy Tale, so I guess it goes without saying they have priority now...
16 Aug 2017
23:46:42NOTEsee ya!
23:46:29NOTEAnd with that note I'm calling it a day!
23:44:15SITEAdded tag LIST
  1. When I got Kthura covered in Love I got the most important obstacle out of the way. Since Kthura will export all its maps into Lua format I don't have to write a loader, but I still need to write a Core and a drawer so there is still A LOT to do here
  2. After that I need to set up the basic adventure scripter in Love. This sounds easier than it is, trust me
  3. The idea is that when no savegame files exist a new game will automatically start, if it does exist you should get a small menu asking you what you want.
  4. When that is done, I will still require some work on the interface
  5. Full animations on the Kthura sprite in all 4 wind directions
  6. And the first map Kthura can walk on
All in all I still got a lot to do before I actually got something playable.
23:29:13BACKUPDaily Backup
23:28:31CONFIGBackup Tool
23:27:12KTHURAGiven the time I think it goes without saying that the Lua version of the Kthura displayer will NOT be done today at all...
23:23:53DEVLOG"Closed" icon :P
23:20:40SITEAdded tag CLOSED
23:04:14KTHURAPossible now to link the saver to the Lua exporter...

This is not yet supported for Python.

22:34:21JUDGMENTAt least no parse errors
22:26:58BLITZMAXCompilation conflict
22:25:23KTHURABundle support
22:04:34KTHURAThat is when it comes to the pic-kind support, since we do also have to deal with making Kthura able to load picbundles... And that can be a chore as ALL separate kinds... PLUS the editor will have to be adapted... Wish me luck on that one.
22:02:59KTHURAAnd that updates Kthura fully for editing.
22:02:13FIXEDAnd that bug is also out of the way
21:55:24FIXEDOne crasher out of the way
21:48:19SOLVEDFound the bugger... It was a division by zero error

I was hoping Blitz had better error support for that

21:44:49FAILUREKthura keeps crashing without throwing a proper error message, and that is getting on my nerves
21:24:49CONFIRMEDthat fix
21:23:11FIXEDRepetition bug... At the cost of no scaling support in repetition.
21:09:14FIXEDANOTHER out of bound error :-/
21:04:27FIXEDMemory out of bounds error
21:00:16FIXEDRep issues
20:56:47FIXEDBad linkup
20:46:08FIXED"Updated" icon
20:40:09NOTEThis is not yet tested!
20:40:01KTHURAUpdates to the drawing core
20:39:52KTHURAEditor updated
20:10:08KTHURAPicture Tab Created
19:17:47FIXEDFolder architecture not properly taken in mind in Love2d
18:58:24SITEAdded tag UPDATED
18:52:34BLITZMAXVersion number update
18:51:00BLITZMAXAnother initfile2 set over to Gini
17:50:28LOVE2DAs the Windows modules are outdated for Blitzmax it will take awhile before I can recompile the builder for Windows.
I will update the builder soon, though...
17:45:29JUDGMENTIt works! ;)
17:45:20TESTPutting it to the test
17:30:02LOVE2DI had to adapt my Mac builder in my Love Builder, as I overlooked the fact that the Love2D works with symlinks in the Mac Applications.

Something BlitzMax (in which the builder is written) does not support, so I need to rely on the zip tools a little bit more...

17:27:58LOVE2DNew versions of Love downloaded
16:48:48ARCHIVEDLoveBuilder for Love 0.10.0 -- I'll now get onto love 0.10.2 for the love builder... I shall also set the lovebuilder to configure the .love files it creates with this version as requirement...
16:46:38SITEAdded tag ARCHIVED
16:33:42KTHURAWhen it comes to the Lua Scripting we now come to the point that Operation Kthura can begin.
This will be a large operation.
However I do want to take care of some stuff first.... :-/
16:31:40LUAQGFX should now support it. I have put it into QGFX2 in order for backward compatibility. I need to make sure that BallPlay Cupid remains buildable you know.
14:44:04LUAMade the base to make multi-picture possible.
13:57:29LUAGini conversion complete
13:52:57NOTESince the "[OLD]" tag was only needed for some quick backward compatibility of the deprecated predecessor of GINI I've removed support for that in Lua.

The only reason why I didn't remove it in BlitzMax already was because it was more trouble than it was worth to remove it :P

13:51:37LUAGini Saver and loader implemented
13:00:26GAMEJOLTAnd I had to fight off another spammer's attack...
12:47:09DONEDamn good shower
11:29:46LUAA fake lister also set up...
11:29:38LUAGini worked out up to the save routine
10:25:06LUAPart of Gini translated to Lua (this was planned anyway).
10:24:53LUAA few "fake" routines set up to make some more BlitzMax conversions easier
09:16:19GAMEJOLTThey sure make me work for my title as mod... Those spambots!
15 Aug 2017
23:44:51MISCCalling it a day...
23:43:27CONFIGAh yeah, and some reconfiguration of my DevLog tool is in order
23:43:14BACKUPTime for my daily backup
23:37:28FIXEDWell NOW they should be fixed.... Damn!
23:34:26COCKROACHMore parse errors?
23:32:01FIXEDFixed it :P
23:31:56BLITZMAXOh, a lttiel parse error... HOw cute
23:30:44KTHURAGiven the time now though, I will not update Kthura today anymore, so that will be schedules for tomorrow.
23:29:47ENHANCEMENTBetter hotspot support... Well at least in the JCR6 read that is.... That makes my life in Kthura a lot easier.
22:53:25CONFIRMEDWell the format checker works on the fact that all images must be as big
22:41:54BLITZMAXThe alternate pic animation loader has been set up.

This will make it easier to make texture in Kthura both BlitzMax as Love2D compatible.

21:41:38BLITZMAXIt was hard to imagine I'd need this tag in a game that will not be written in BlitzMax (or at least not as far as it seems now).
21:41:11SITEAdded tag BLITZMAX
20:59:39STATUSNow before I can begin the project in Love2D I will need to work on Kthura.

First of all, I need to take care of it that Love2D can actually read Kthura maps. In order to save code and needless complications, the Kthura Map Editor can export a map into pure Lua code (also in pure Python code, but unfortunately I don't need that). So far the easy part, as I need to make sure Love2D can work with stuff like blockmaps, tagmaps, labelmaps, etc, so there is still a lot to be done on this department.

Second, since Love2D has no native support for viewports and tiling, or at least not in the way BlitzMax does, I will be more reliation on obstacles an "pictures". The latter is not yet properly supported in the editor. I will also need to be able to work things out in the editor more properly.

The way BlitzMax works with animated pictures is not supported in Love2D. I am planning to set up an alternate unit in Blitzmax for this, so I can do animations more easily in both languages. It will not be hard to adept the Kthura Map Editor for this.

All in all I have good faith in getting things to work ;)

I will only be LOTS of owrk

20:49:05LOVE2DThis success brings the decision for Love2D a bit closer.... Not yet final, but closer....
20:44:52SITEAdded tag JUDGMENT
20:10:33STATUSIt appears the Pathfinder now does it job....BUT, the data is not yet outputted... That is no trouble at all, really... I just need to work that one out PROPERLY :P
20:09:46FIXEDOh, that was easier to find than I though....
20:08:22BUGWell it appears, the pathfinder could not find the way, even though it does not through any errors...
20:07:57FIXEDbank issues
20:03:42FIXEDimport error
20:01:02FIXEDWell I fixed that...
20:00:56STUPIDITYForgot a very important function in the bank library
19:56:57FIXEDAh, the given variable was not nil. Another variable used to define it was thanks to a case error.... which has now been fixed.
19:53:19FIXEDI've set this up hoping that will 'fix' all this...

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