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Live DevLog
01 Sep 2017
16:50:26COSMETICSet up the object detector in a way that makes it easier to read.
16:46:18DEBUGDebug lines deactivated
16:45:18DONEAnd some more stuff taken care off.
13:47:21DONEWell that has been done...
13:27:50BACKUPRunning in the meantime
13:27:18TODOSome "real life" business.
13:25:06FIXEDIt works now... I do need to deactivate the debug lines now though, and to make it look better cosmetically
13:20:44SOLVEDI think I solved this.
13:18:49DEBUGNothing usefull yet
13:16:57DEBUGI need MORE information.
13:15:05DEBUGHopefullty these debug lines can show me why.
13:14:53BUGno more crashes... If fact I see nothing at all.
13:11:56FIXEDAnother crash
13:11:19FIXEDAlthough that crash has been fixed.
13:10:58BUGIndeed now it is not skipped and even crashes the game
13:09:56FAILUREAh, the non-existent "Segmentation Fault" came up again...
13:06:13BUGBut that is not what happens :-/
13:05:29SCRIPTIt should be shown if you target something now...
12:50:26SCRIPTScript object detection done for Obstacles. For other kinds come later, when they are actually needed.
12:32:14SCRIPTSkeleton for object detection on mouse movements and clicks
11:34:40BLITZMAXMyData now exports as "local".
This wasn't really an issue in LAURA II, but in LÖve2d it is...
11:23:03GAMEJOLTSpam cleanup
31 Aug 2017
20:29:50CONFIGXtra backup config
20:13:46STATUSDon't you just hate that preparational work?
Doing tons of things and you actually don't see much result?
20:12:35MEDICALI'm already a bit better than i was, but still not 100%
At least I could get a few things done today.
19:49:17FIXEDEverythig's okay now
19:36:15STUPIDITYIt appears to be
19:30:45COCKROACHApparently not, but I think I know why that is
19:29:46DONEI think I fixed it
19:19:49BUGSkipping works... BUT... talking animations do not stop
19:17:56SCRIPTI've set up a possibility to skip events
18:57:54FAILUREI'm so tempted to buy a Chrome-Book in order to keep my browser OUT of my main system.
18:57:15FAILUREAnd I had to crash down the browser once more due to a total system lag
18:55:21CONFIRMEDAt least the score line works
18:47:28MAPSCRIPTI've set the "skipable" tag for that for that reason now.
18:44:39NOTENote to self....
I really need to put priority on the event skip routine now...
18:36:22FIXEDThat "nil"
17:51:18FIXEDLicense error
17:44:52SCRIPTScoring routine
17:44:16STUDYA few audio matters in Löve2d
17:27:33CONFIGBig config update backup tool
16:32:10SCRIPTScore output
15:34:23CONFIGVery very secret!
15:02:46ANNAand for The Fairy Tale REVAMPED I updated this
15:02:32ANNAMörker now has an Anna account.
14:11:26SCRIPTPoints set for completing chapters. I needed this data to make sure no division by zero errors can pop up.
14:04:46EXPERIMENTSecret stuff
12:35:46GITHUBNope they weren't but they are now.
12:28:00CHECKEDRepos still up to date?
11:01:07STUDYConversions in Lua
10:39:46GAMEJOLTSpambot cleaning
30 Aug 2017
13:43:48FIXEDInvalid file crash
08:57:53GAMEJOLTOf course cleaning up spam can be done again and has been done :-/
08:57:22MEDICALI feel better... for now... But I have decided not to get back to work too soon.
I don't wanna be ill again, as I'm sick of it.
(Drum fill)
29 Aug 2017
22:14:19INDIEDBTest icon
22:11:06ITCH.IOIt's not yet said this game will actually appear on, but let's create the icon... just in case....
22:08:04BACKUPNevertheless I'll still run the backup tool.
22:03:11PHANTASARI could make a few workouts here....
22:02:33MEDICALMy medical situation is far from stable, so I really cannot say if I am able to work tomorrow or not.
I few meh, now and I deem it likely I feel terrible tomorrow unless it will be really cold tonight and the cold whooshes through my home by the wind.
The forecast is good, but not good enough, and I wish I had a dollar for every time the weather forecast couldn't be further from the truth. I'd have more money than all people in the world altogether if I had.
They got some work over there.
16:56:07HOMEBREWPillow was added yesterday and removed today.... ???
16:55:52SITEAdded tag HOMEBREW
16:55:15MEDICALI was terrible this morning. I feel a bit better now, but I still feel that I need to rest
Tomorrow I shall re-evaluate.
28 Aug 2017
20:47:09MEDICALIt will certainly take some time for me to fully recover.
I'll take off tomorrow anyway regardless how I feel then...
19:02:48MEDICALIllness exhaustion... I'm through... Also suffering from broken stuff ending some hopes and dreams to be taken care of the next month.. Everything is SHIT now....
12:43:00BACKUPI shall run an extra backup though.... For what good that may do :-/
12:42:20MEDICALI feel a tiny bit better, but now I also got diariah nevertheless.
A clear sign I should take some rest.
In other words no work on the game today, unless I feel great tonight.
09:16:06MEDICALAnd Migraine struck me again :(
09:15:55SITEAdded tag MEDICAL
00:21:59BACKUPI'll run the backup anwyway
00:21:17NOTEWell time shortage didn't allow me to do anything at all.
27 Aug 2017
12:06:58NOTEI am short on time.
12:06:43STUDYI've been doing some studies about Zamzi. I think I got it clear now how to make him/her/it(?) float around Kthura.
10:20:17FAILUREOkay GameJolt's posting bug destroyed that log... CROS really needs to fix that one!
09:42:18GAMEJOLTAnd let's not forget I removed tons of spam.... AGAIN!
09:39:27GAMEJOLTDevLog Update
09:07:44FAILURELagging festival
26 Aug 2017
21:45:14AUDIOWhen scoring points you will basically hear Music Box sound 1, but if you score more than 10 points for something it will play Music Box 2
21:44:36AUDIOMusic Box 2
21:44:32AUDIOMusic Box 1
21:44:09SITEAdded tag AUDIO
21:22:46GITHUBSpecial character support pushed
21:12:30GITHUBVersion stuff Pushed for LLL
21:10:58GITHUBKthura pushed
21:10:16GITHUBVAR.LLL pushed
21:09:05CONFIGBackup Tool
20:30:00NOTEWell there are more graphics challenges at hand, so maybe I should not yet scream :P
20:29:43NOTEWell at least I don't have to make Rzevron and Vryfdun walk around. Kthura on the other hand... Oh well...
20:25:51MAPA blockmap has been set. This will be needed for #16
20:18:23NOTEIn game it will take longer though
20:17:43DEVLOGWell and Rzevron will eventually also be seen here :-P
20:08:57ARTRzevron talking
20:06:05ARTRzevron Base Model
19:50:58MISCYeah when you thought stuff was almost ready, eh?
19:49:51TODO #19
19:24:08EXPERIMENTIt works, but in order to avoid the builder's incompatibility with this I had to do it a special way.
19:17:04EXPERIMENTLet's see if we can produce an ö
17:53:34FAILUREI run from /Applications only to get the message "" is in the wrong folder, please move it to /Applications

Talk about poorly coded software.

17:38:10SCRIPTVar.lll set up.

You'd say a pure lua product won't need it, but you'd be surprised. The scenario.lll can benefit a lot here.

17:22:23FIXEDthat bugger
17:19:31COCKROACHOr so I thouht... :-/
17:18:42FIXEDthe scroll bug should be fixed though...
17:17:13BUGIssued Dutch bug in #18
17:16:23BUGAnd when the game is in Dutch that is also ignored
17:16:11BUGNope nope nope.. Chasecam may ONLY work when no event is running...
17:01:33ARTInspired by the Budgerigar whose nose is blue with the males and brown with the females, the Archnitas will have the similar characteristic with their underbody, or the "spider part". Kthura has a brown spider part as a female. The Tzchach and the other male Arachnita's will have a blue spider part.
16:48:06SOLVEDI think I found it!
16:47:57BUGIssued as #17
16:45:03DEBUGLet's sort this out!
16:40:25BUGBut Kthura does NOT turn around?
16:36:52MAPSCRIPTAnd Kthura will now turn west in order to face Master Vryfdun when she replies to him.
16:33:50ART Kthura facing west talking
15:32:29STATUSAnd talking works... AT LAST!
14:59:41FIXEDwrong approach obstacles
14:56:12COSMETICAnimation speed up for all Kthura-based animations
14:52:52FIXEDA typo due to me being too excited to fix this
14:51:45SOLVEDFound the evil doer
14:46:14DEBUGLet's narrow the information!
14:43:56STUPIDITYCommented the wrong line
14:43:18EXPERIMENTlet's try this
14:41:26MYSTERYNot yet much anwers
14:36:33DEBUGAnother test
14:34:02CHECKEDAt least I know the correct features are being called
14:32:49DEBUGLet's find out why!
14:31:04FIXEDThe talk routine can find Kthura's object in the field now, but she still doesn't move her mouth.
14:30:11FIXEDEmpty tag addressing
14:28:16NOTENo I mean the DUTCH meaning of that word, not the mispelled internet acronym.
14:26:58FIXEDIllegal function call
14:25:59KTHURATag remapper
14:05:51KTHURA However to fix what needs to be fixed now I need to dive into the Kthura engine for Love2D
14:05:29STATUSWhat needs to work now works
13:48:51FIXEDBut I think I killed that bug
13:47:36BUGLater talk requests ignored
13:40:48FIXEDSpelling error
13:40:44CONFIRMEDScroll fix
13:39:32FIXEDAh, fixed that issue
13:37:13BUGScroller not carrying over to next action
13:36:54BUGVryfdun invisible
13:35:08SCRIPTEvent scroller
13:25:48ENHANCEMENTParameters allowed in event functions
13:24:24FIXEDPower carried over to the UI when the talking is over
13:17:18FIXEDA few grammar errors in the scenario
13:14:58TESTLet's see what will happen now...
13:14:51COSMETICLines may be longer
13:08:49FIXEDBut at last the system no longer crashes when Master Vryfdun is speaking
13:08:34COCKROACHand the system still seems unable too to find Kthura
13:08:23COCKROACHHigh-low still not working
13:04:35FIXEDHigh-low prot fix
13:02:10SOLVEDAh that mystery is solved.... :-/
13:01:13MYSTERYStrangely enough The system does appear to find Master Vryfdun, while it doesn't find Kthura...
13:00:50NOTE I take back the note on anti-out fo screen protection, as it's not working as it should
12:58:52FIXEDFixed that bugger
12:57:04BUGThis error however is not
Error: SCRIPT/EVENTCHAIN.LLL/EVENTCHAIN.LUA:99: Event string runtime error:
SCRIPT/SUBS.LLL/TALK.LUA:57: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
LIBS/CHAIN.LLL/CHAIN.LUA:39: in function 'draw'
[string "boot.lua"]:468: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:436>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
12:55:55JUDGMENTthe time is at acceptable now
12:53:40DEBUGHopefully this dubug line provide an answer about the time being "endless"
12:51:19JUDGMENTAt least the out of screen protection works in updown positioning
12:49:18COCKROACHBut clearly is not
12:49:02FIXEDThe text position SHOULD be fixed now
12:47:05BUGAnd Kthura's sprite doesn't move
12:46:48BUGThere is still a problem with the text position
12:46:26FIXEDAh, wait.... I found the bugger... The function itself was the evil, not the data
talkdata = {
["segs"] = {
[1] = {
["x"] = 400,
["color"] = {
["R"] = 255,
["B"] = 255,
["G"] = 0
["y"] = 300,
["time"] = 581236.76863681,
["lines"] = {
[1] = {
["line"] = "Isn't it fantastic,",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 106,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 300,
["dy"] = 0
[2] = {
["line"] = "Zamzi.",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 42.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 333,
["dy"] = 33
[3] = {
["line"] = "A total vaccuum",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 103,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 366,
["dy"] = 66
[4] = {
["line"] = "above us.",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 58.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 399,
["dy"] = 99
["tag"] = "KTHURA",
["maxtime"] = 400.765,
["height"] = 132,
["width"] = 212
[2] = {
["x"] = 400,
["color"] = {
["R"] = 255,
["B"] = 255,
["G"] = 0
["y"] = 300,
["time"] = 581236.7693078,
["lines"] = {
[1] = {
["line"] = "With big",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 52,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 300,
["dy"] = 0
[2] = {
["line"] = "bals of fire",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 66.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 333,
["dy"] = 33
[3] = {
["line"] = "somewhere",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 72,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 366,
["dy"] = 66
[4] = {
["line"] = "just floating.",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 78,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 399,
["dy"] = 99
[5] = {
["line"] = "What were",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 67,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 432,
["dy"] = 132
[6] = {
["line"] = "they called?",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 77.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 465,
["dy"] = 165
[7] = {
["line"] = "Stars?",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 43.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 498,
["dy"] = 198
["tag"] = "KTHURA",
["maxtime"] = 401.875,
["height"] = 231,
["width"] = 156
[3] = {
["x"] = 400,
["color"] = {
["R"] = 255,
["B"] = 255,
["G"] = 0
["y"] = 300,
["time"] = 581236.76990163,
["lines"] = {
[1] = {
["line"] = "I guess we",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 66.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 300,
["dy"] = 0
[2] = {
["line"] = "are always",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 67,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 333,
["dy"] = 33
[3] = {
["line"] = "tied here",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 57.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 366,
["dy"] = 66
[4] = {
["line"] = "in Mrker.",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 105,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 399,
["dy"] = 99
[5] = {
["line"] = "I really wonder",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 94,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 432,
["dy"] = 132
[6] = {
["line"] = "what's up",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 61,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 465,
["dy"] = 165
[7] = {
["line"] = "there.",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 38,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 498,
["dy"] = 198
[8] = {
["line"] = "If I could",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 54,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 531,
["dy"] = 231
[9] = {
["line"] = "see it with",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 66.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 564,
["dy"] = 264
[10] = {
["line"] = "my own two",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 75.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 597,
["dy"] = 297
[11] = {
["line"] = "eyes.",
["x"] = 400,
["ox"] = 33.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 630,
["dy"] = 330
["tag"] = "KTHURA",
["maxtime"] = 403.645,
["height"] = 363,
["width"] = 210
[4] = {
["x"] = 693.5,
["color"] = {
["R"] = 180,
["B"] = 0,
["G"] = 255
["y"] = 135,
["time"] = 581236.77036084,
["lines"] = {
[1] = {
["line"] = "Even knowing,",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 90,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 135,
["dy"] = 0
[2] = {
["line"] = "Mrker",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 86.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 168,
["dy"] = 33
[3] = {
["line"] = "is as large",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 64.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 201,
["dy"] = 66
[4] = {
["line"] = "as the universe",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 96.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 234,
["dy"] = 99
[5] = {
["line"] = "itself, it's",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 60.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 267,
["dy"] = 132
[6] = {
["line"] = "still too small",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 84.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 300,
["dy"] = 165
[7] = {
["line"] = "for you, isn't",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 79.5,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 333,
["dy"] = 198
[8] = {
["line"] = "it Kthura?",
["x"] = 693.5,
["ox"] = 65,
["graph"] = whatever,
["y"] = 366,
["dy"] = 231
["tag"] = "VRYFDUN",
["maxtime"] = 405.265,
["height"] = 264,
["width"] = 193
["seg"] = 1

eventchain: draw string func
Error: SCRIPT/EVENTCHAIN.LLL/EVENTCHAIN.LUA:99: Event string runtime error:
SCRIPT/SUBS.LLL/TALK.LUA:50: attempt to call global 'color' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
LIBS/CHAIN.LLL/CHAIN.LUA:39: in function 'draw'
[string "boot.lua"]:468: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:436>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'

This debug data is SOLID EVIDENCE, the computer is now lying to me.

12:40:10DEBUGHopefully this debug line will get me some answers
12:39:57BUGImpossible claim by the computer. Only possible is somewhere else a crash occurred and that didn't happen
12:37:55FIXEDWrong table readout
12:36:48FIXEDCode Typo
12:35:53FIXEDheader 2 tag issue (?)
12:30:21FIXEDWell, it's fixed, and that's all you're getting outta me.
12:30:11STUPIDITYI'm not even gonna talk about THIS stupid action
12:28:46FIXEDThat's been fixed
12:28:40STUPIDITYThat is not how you use ipairs(), Jeroen

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