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Live DevLog
23 Aug 2017
14:09:40COCKROACHNo report of non-existent events
14:08:38INVESTIGATIONI'll take a look why that is
14:06:51COCKROACHDebug longs now confirm that the event function is REALLY ignored...
14:05:37FAILURESegmentation fault
13:59:06STUPIDITYI think this explains a lot... :-/
13:57:34COCKROACH And it appears I was right about that (but there are moments you DON'T want to be right, trust me).
13:56:44DONELittle fixup (but I think this is gonna be a cockroach since the error thrown should not have been possible. There should just have been a code ignore in stead).
13:17:27GITHUBPushed libraries
13:04:31FIXEDSeveral nils
12:54:02DEVLOGA bit of tweaking here.
12:49:26TESTTime to put everything I now have to the test.
12:33:47SCRIPTThe called script should now be executed
12:28:34STUPIDITYThis is UNIX... Not Windows... and that explains the "%1" commit messages in my GitHub Repository... Sorry...
12:23:18SCRIPTAn eventrunning function. I have the feeling I'll be needing it bad.
12:19:54MAPSCRIPTUpon the activation event script the camera should now be placed to its proper position. Normally not something I'd announce here, but you gotta take in mind this is in this early stage a big feat.
11:58:25MAPSCRIPTSkeleton code
11:52:36MAPSCRIPTEmpty mapscript.... The first... (but not the last)
11:35:29MAPFolder for mapscripts cretaed
11:33:47LOVE2DMy recommendation is though, if your platform supports the downloadable version, go for that :P
11:32:38HTML5Somebody was very nice to create a html5 version of the LOVE2D engine.

If this will do any good for this game, I don't know, so the only promis I make is that I will investigate the possibilities here.

11:31:50SITEAdded tag HTML5
11:25:42GAMEJOLTAnd the spammers kept me of my work.... AGAIN....
11:11:18SCRIPTCamPoint function
10:56:14KTHURAAh, all it took was a recompilation.... Doh!
10:55:31KTHURA There is still a bit of trouble in the editor with picture bundles....
10:53:24NOTEI'm afraid this is all I can show you at the present time.
10:42:29SCRIPTSet up the event class initiator for easy access from map scripts
10:37:48SCRIPTWell, the maploader does more than only loading the map itself. This has been sortened out.
10:37:39SITEAdded tag MAPSCRIPT
10:00:21SCRIPTA function to start the event chain
09:54:40MAPI've placed some exit point that I will script the camera position upon.
09:50:52DONEA quick Music shuffling tool for my own entertainment :P
09:12:08GAMEJOLTCleaning spam.... It always comes back... the cockroaches...
22 Aug 2017
23:07:53BACKUPBackup config should be fixed completely
20:55:58NOTEI hope I can soon post an actual screenshot, though!
20:55:25GAMEJOLTsite set up
18:47:57DONEA few fix ups on stuff my backup tool didn't like
12:50:40CONFIGAnd some configuration was (once again) in order here.
12:50:28BACKUPAnother back is running now
12:45:29FIXEDA mapping issue on this
12:29:27STUPIDITYAh, it doesn't seem to like that my build file is located in the resource list, but that is only a one time issue, so I'm not gonna bother.
12:01:33BUGIt doesn't work the way it should though.
12:01:24NOTEThe developer will have a choice, but the builder will only ask once
12:00:55BLITZMAXJCR6 extractor set up for the Love Builder
11:14:00NOTEClearly the Love Builder does not break over JCR6 files, and maybe it should... I'm gonna work that one out ;)
21 Aug 2017
23:54:28SCENARIOStart of game scenario written.
23:22:43BUGSo GINI skips the first line of its files or something???
23:15:02FAILURE The scenario editor throws an error without proper information so I need to sort this out!
23:12:49CONFIGEasiest way to start a new project with the scenario editor is by cannibalizing an existing one.
So I did with the TFTREVAMPED files and created the Scenario Language Project file
I need to sort out how the Love2D builder will respond to JCR6 files though, as I'm not sure..
23:05:14SCENARIOAt least we also got that tag, eh?
23:02:05SITEAdded tag SCENARIO
23:01:53SCRIPTLinked Scenario loader to the game. I'll set up some stuff later
23:01:00BACKUPWell it's running
23:00:50NOTEBackup trouble

Multi-language Devlog... For whatever reason we needed THAT :P

19:47:32TESTJust testing something
12:00:11SCRIPTFow now "removed" the picloader and soundloader from it.

This game doesn't need it anyway due to the "talking actor" based interface (as is common for point-and-click-adventures), and when it's needed a complete new loader using the love2d routines is needed anyway.

11:58:56SCRIPTMade some adaptions for Love2D
11:58:46SCRIPTCopied scenario code parser
11:42:27GAMEJOLTFor starters cleaning up the forums from spam!
11:41:53NOTEToday I will not do that much, but I will try to get a few things done...
20 Aug 2017
20:45:18BACKUPI shall still run the daily backup though
20:44:50NOTENot much i could do today.... Sundays are days I often have little time.
20:35:48STATUSThe front and the back side.... normally the easiest sides for me to do, will now be a lot harder for me to do.
I will find a method to do so, though...
20:30:07DONESet up the export well
20:28:30NOTEDue to proper shading effects I did not just "mirror" the east version, as that would not do the spider part of her body justice in the shading. I really had to do a bit more this time.
20:27:49ARTIdle Sprite Kthura West
13:15:57NOTEYeah, that can even happen in Lua... hard to believe, eh?
13:15:44FIXEDDeclaration bug
13:01:02SCRIPTI've set up an event chain function. I need this function because of Love2D's callback nature. Yeah, this can take stuff to take longer, indeed... :-/
19 Aug 2017
19:32:10BACKUPThis upgrade forced me to interrupt the backup, so let's restart it
19:30:59FAILUREDang! Updates even get blocked...
17:58:02UPGRADEFINALLY! Here goes!
17:55:07FAILUREApple bugs me about updates, but takes forever to show them to me... Figures...
17:51:21SYSTEM Well for days Apple is bugging me about an update, and I guess now is the time to do it...
17:51:09SITEAdded tag SYSTEM
17:44:38USERINTERFACEThis covers everything I wanted to be covered to close #9
17:42:02CONFIGSome extra configuration was in order here...
17:41:38BACKUPXtra Backup Running
17:40:43USERINTERFACEBut at least I can see the inventory screen works as far as it should work for now...
17:38:43FAILUREI almost died suffocating in a piece of Krupuk.
17:32:31FIXEDVariable typo
17:31:46USERINTERFACEZamzi should show as inventory item now
17:31:20FAILUREI wonder why those Segmentation Faults happen.
As they happen randomly this is hard to fix.
17:19:18ARTZamzi as inventory item
17:16:30USERINTERFACEInventory sorter added.

This will, when the time comes, allow me to add Zamzi to the inventory as item.

It will not be much what you need Zamzi for, but hey, as a flying pet for Kthura, he can play an important role, right?

17:10:33USERINTERFACEGreater Alpha
And worked out on the y coordinates...
Let's see how that works out when we see that... :-/
17:09:16USERINTERFACEAh... better
17:07:46USERINTERFACEStill nothing?
17:07:17FAILURESegmentation Fault (???)
17:04:41USERINTERFACESet up the sockets for use in the game.

Their full workings will be scripted out later.

16:47:03USERINTERFACEInventory socket
16:37:38ARTKthura Facing East Talking
16:21:21FIXEDFixed that!
14:38:40BUGAlthough I cannot yet see that... :-/
14:37:02USERINTERFACE Added Kthura's head to the interface.
That head is pretty important, as this will allow you to access the save menu and config menu and it will allow you to use items on Kthura herself.
14:12:42FIXEDMore stupid errors
14:10:11FIXEDFolder Typo
14:08:02STUPIDITYOh wait that was no cockroach... that was just stupid
14:07:14COCKROACHNot quite...
14:06:46SOLVEDI think I found out why that is...
13:43:47USERINTERFACEIt only doesn't appear when it should though, and that needs to be sorted out!
13:43:22USERINTERFACEBase config
12:41:18FAILUREGIMP is now taking its sweet time :-/
12:38:24USERINTERFACEEVERYBODY who dares the background color of this background plasma "PINK" really needs to go to an ophthalmologist.

This is MAGENTA!!! Much darker than Pink.

I hope you can see the difference!

01:26:27NOTEBut for now I'm calling it a day, and nothing someone says before the word "but" really counts, so this note is what counts, and not my status note :P
01:25:58STATUSWell, next I need to work out the working with actors, and the blockmap... After this I can think for getting the UI to work... Well, the official start is nearing
01:23:26TESTTest message to test things in the Devlog Tool I set for $morker.
We do want Mörker to proceed smoothly, don't we?
01:21:55GITHUBMörker pushed
00:57:37GITHUBError Tag pushed
00:57:07GITHUBFixes to qgfx2 pushed
00:56:54GITHUBKthura for Love as it is now pushed
00:54:00CONFIGBackup tool
00:31:12BACKUPDaily Backup
00:13:21FIXED Several table reference errors fixed.
00:08:59FIXEDA QGFX error
00:04:07FIXEDAnd a parse-typo fixed
00:03:57EXPERIMENTLet's see what happens if I put in the multi-pics
00:03:33JUDGMENTstill a blank screen
18 Aug 2017
23:57:58FIXEDIllegal function call
23:57:53BUGI should of course have known it wouldn't be that easy
23:57:06KTHURASingle Pics should be supported now
23:48:58STATUSno more errors
23:48:33FIXEDInvalid variable name
23:47:56FIXEDIllegal function call
23:46:39FIXEDIllegal dominance readout resulting in "nil"
23:44:45KTHURANow acting in the order of the dominance map
23:40:12KTHURADominance mapper
23:25:51FIXEDAlso fixed the Python exporter since it had the same bug.
23:23:36FIXED#8 for real... there was still one tiny issue
23:16:24NOTEBut as the Lua version of Kthura is not yet able to create a dominance table, there is still work to be done.
23:15:22KTHURANo more errors thrown
23:10:27FIXEDCode order not well
23:10:12KTHURASkeleton Obstacle and zones
23:04:02STATUSNow an error is given to Kthura obstaces... Nothing odd here...
23:01:59FIXEDGraphics index error
22:55:51FIXEDKthura index error
22:53:41CONFIRMEDAll's well that ends well
22:51:27INVESTIGATIONAttempting to fix that
22:50:00STUPIDITYOh a big in BlitzMax code was seen for a Love2D security tag, which could never be possible on a ExFAT device, why didn't I realize that before...
22:35:17FIXEDCase Error
22:20:51FIXEDFaulty error handler
22:08:49FIXEDAnd I think fixed the Kthura Map loader (I thought it was gonna be easy).
22:06:40FIXEDThe Debugger, and now to see what goes wrong... :-/
22:06:29STUPIDITYLearn how to write debuggers, Jeroen
22:02:50DEBUGAnd the debugger shows the Kthura loader got itself a table for a mapname... How odd...
22:02:31FIXEDTons of strange "nil"s
21:45:30FAILUREFile secured... doh....
21:42:54NOTEThat is the routine building the mac distribution...
Not the building running on Mac :P
21:42:16FIXEDI should have fixed the meta data issue in the current mac builder
21:12:52COCKROACHOh, it still did, but what i got now is also bothersome
21:11:41COCKROACHThings are not really going my way
21:07:48STUPIDITYAnd this one is something I don't even wanna talk about.
21:06:41STUPIDITYThat, and I forgot to save an imortant key script
21:06:22FIXEDOh wait, Kthura was not even loaded, due to an illegal import request
21:05:18DEBUGHopefully this can enlighten me in if the Kthura Map is actually loaded or not.
21:05:01SCRIPTI've set the game starter to go to this empty field script...
21:03:10SCRIPTI've added an empty field script... This can at least rule out crashes. All it shows now is an empty screen, but it will help, trust me :)
21:02:20SITEAdded tag SCRIPT
21:01:19DEBUGI tied some debugging, but I guess, the error was faster than Lua's print function.
20:55:31KTHURASkeleton code for drawing routine
20:25:10KTHURAMakeClass functions added. At the present time these functions do nothing at all, but that will change over the further stage of development.
20:04:01FIXEDLicense block Gini
19:49:08KTHURASet up (for now empty) Core and Draw files
19:46:53KTHURAGlue file
19:26:21DATAI've set up an empty table there. This will later serve for everything you can score points with.
19:25:49DATAI've added a glob library in which the global variables for the game itself will be defined.
19:25:23SITEAdded tag DATA
19:18:22STATUSWell, all I need to do now is set up a kind of "engine" which will allow the first map to be shown, and then the development of the game itself can relally begin, which will of course come up with the guy with the gun, making the starting shot.
19:02:16FIXEDWell it appears to work... AT LAST!

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